HKICON Annual General Meeting (AGM) Online

Event Date:
Event Time:
7:00 pm
Event Location:
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Dear HKICON members,
The HKICON Council hopes that you are staying safe and healthy despite the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. This year the Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on-line via Zoom due to the current situation and limitations of social contact. You are cordially invited to join the on-line AGM. Details are as follows:
Date: 22 March 2021 (Monday)
Time: 7pm-8pm
1. Presentation of the AGM report by Council Members
If you would like to join the on-line AGM meeting, please sign up here, and a link to join the AGM will be sent to you closer to the date. Thank you for your continued support!
HKICON Council
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