Heritage Survival – Opportunities and Threats of Heritage Tourism to Historic Landscapes – Event Series – Field Trip: “30 Houses’’: Central’s Accidental Time Capsule 中環「卅間」時空縱橫遊

Event Date:


Event Time:

2:30 pm

Event Location:

62 Staunton Street

Heritage Survival – Opportunities and Threats of Heritage Tourism to Historic Landscapes

Event Series – Field Trip:



Event: “30 Houses’’: Central’s Accidental Time Capsule
Date: 16 June 2024  (Sunday)
Time: 14:30 -16:30 (Please arrive 10mins prior to the meeting time) 
Speakers: Friends of the 30 Houses Neighbourhood
Venue: Staunton Street, Bridges Street, Shing Wong Street and Wing Lee Street areas in Central
Assembly Point: Central 30 Houses Kaifong Yulan Association (中區卅間街坊盂蘭會), 62 Staunton Street, Central, Hong Kong
CPD Points: 2.0 CPD credit hours
Language: English supplemented by Cantonese
Fee: HK$150 for HKICON Student Members

HK$210 for HKICON Members

HK$275 for HKICON Friends

HK$325 for Non-Members

 (Limited to 20 Participants; 20% discount for Symposium registration for successful registration of any Field Trips of the Heritage Survival event series.)


*The event will be opened for non-member registration from 5 June 2024.

Please visit the HKICON website for more details:  https://www.hkicon.org/heritage-survival




About the Site Visit 



The 30 Houses Neighbourhood, located in Central, Hong Kong, is a historic urban landscape bordered by Hollywood Road to the north and Caine Road to the south. It encompasses Staunton Street, Bridges Street, Shing Wong Street, Wing Lee Street, as well as surrounding streets, lanes and alleys. The name “30 Houses Neighbourhood” (「卅間」) originated from the 30 houses in the area housed migrant workers before WWII.

With one graded building or structure per hectare, it boasts one of the highest concentrations of heritage buildings in Hong Kong. As the oldest surviving residential district in Central Hong Kong, it offers a window into the living conditions of ordinary citizens in the post-war decades. The area’s heritage values are woven into its network of streets, steps, terraces, and tong lau building clusters. The historic ambiance and tranquil atmosphere emanating from this landscape is cherished by the public.


Summary of itinerary:


  • An introduction to the development and transformation of the historic urban landscape, including the origin of the “30 Houses” name and its remaining traces today.
  • A walk through the neighbourhood including stops at local businesses and community initiated facilities.
  • A discussion about the impact of tourism on the local community, including contributions by local stakeholde








  • 介紹歷史城市景觀的發展和變遷,包括「卅間」名稱的由來及其現存痕跡。
  • 在區內漫步,參觀地方商店和社區自發設施。
  • 討論旅遊業對當地社區的影響,包括當地利益相關者的貢獻。



About the Speaker



The Friends of the 30 Houses Neighbourhood


“The Friends of the 30 Houses Neighbourhood” is a not-for-profit organisation established to generate vibrant public spaces and community life through conservation, regeneration, and interpretation of the historic fabric and local history of the 30 Houses Neighbourhood.

The organisation was founded by Katty Law, who has been advocating for the conservation of built heritage in Central Hong Kong for over two decades; Sjoerd Hoekstra, a heritage conservation specialist, designer and educator; and Kit Yeung, a landscape designer. They all live in or close to the 30 Houses Neighbourhood.






該組織由在過去二十多年一直致力於保育中環文物建築的羅雅寧,以及身兼文物建築保育專家、設計師和講師的Sjoerd Hoekstra和園藝師楊子傑共同創立。他們都是卅間或附近的街坊。





  1. Video recording of the field trip will be conducted for discussion purposes at the Symposium of the Heritage Survival series. If participants prefer not to be included in the video, please let us know on the date before the field trip starts.
  2. If the Hong Kong Observatory issues an Amber Rainstorm Warning, or Typhoon Signal No. 3 or above, HKICON will notify registered participants via email regarding cancellation of the event and arrangement for rescheduling or a refund at least 2 hours before the scheduled event time.If the weather deteriorates after the field trip has started, HKICON reserves the right to amend the itinerary.


Sorry, Event Expired

Event Location:

Total Seats: 20


  • 62 Staunton Street

Event Schedule Details

  • 16/06/2024
    2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
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